--> How to Treat Heartburn Naturally | Kang-Mauk (Ibnu Mas'ud)

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Treat Heartburn Naturally

| Tuesday, June 18, 2013
how to treat heartburn naturally the heat is one of the diseases that are common in most people, therefore I will give you tips and simple way of eliminating the heat illness naturally without side effects things to do include:
 1. provide a glass of water
 2. lemon
 3. soy sauce
 4. sugar way that makes it fairly easy this way as below:
    1. The lemon peel open then squeeze by hand so that the juice out
    2. stir using a tablespoon of soy sauce
    3. stir the water with the sugar
    4. Mix lemon juice with sugar water was then drunk may be useful

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